Brand Advertising Research & Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (BARC) is a research-based consultancy leveraging an array of services to global brands with expertise in crafting branding solutions and analysis of brand equity, marketing campaigns, market research, product development and content marketing, with a blend of innovation for growth in various industries.
Established in year 1933, Hang Seng is one of the largest listed companies in Hong Kong. Its market capitalization till 30 June 2017 was HKD312.2 billion. In accordance with with its name, which means "ever-growing" in Chinese, the bankis growing alongside its customers.
Hnag Seng Bank has bagged numerous awards and accolades for various its various services and activities like safety, treasury & working, domestic trade, cash management, net-worth specific service, investment management and wealth management. Hang Seng launched its e-Cheque service in December 2015.
Since its founding, Hang Seng’s main focus has been the thrust of excellence for its customers. In Hong Kong, its vast network of almost 260 service outlets offers customers with quality services. The major business activities of Bank include wealth management, retail banking, commercial banking, and global banking and markets.
Hang Seng Securities, which is a wholly owned Bank subsidiary, controls securities investment advisory services joint venture of GZHS Research Co., Ltd. in partnership with Guangzhou Securities Company in Guangdong province.
Hang Seng Bank is a main member of the HSBC Group, which is one of the largest financial services organizations of the world and holds an equity of 62.14% interest in the Bank. The Bank offers investors in the United States a Sponsored Level-I American Depositary Receipts Program.
Hang Sang Bank is committed to its customers and believes that behind each customers success lies a unique quality with far-reaching significance. The team at the bank is dedicated to understand the needs of the customers and offering best solution for them.
• Market capitalization as at 30 June 2017 was HKD 312.2 billion.
• Hang Seng Bank is a principal member of the HSBC Group.
• In December 2015, Hang Seng launches its e-Cheque service.
• In Hong Kong, Heng Seng Bank has avast network of around 260 service outlets.